Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lost. Here be spoilers.

Hi, my names is Yasmina and I'm addicted to Lost. I went to watch the finale at a downtown indie theatre. I have the Lost videogame and Lost boardgame. I have 3/6 seasons on DVD and bluray. I've read boards, watched clips, listened to commentaries, downloaded podcasts, and found wallpapers. And I can't believe it's over.

People may think I'm stupid/insane/nutty, but Lost has been a pretty significant part of my past 6 years...I started watching in 7th grade because of Dominic Monaghan. I continued because of the amazing story, intricate plotlines, and plain bizarre quality. It turned from a show about stranded passengers on an island to a show of mythic proportions, incorporating philosophy, allegory, allusions from books of all kinds, and amazing storytelling as well as awesome music by Michael Giacchino (winner of an Oscar for his work with Up!) It's just a story about good and evil, temptation, and redemption. I don't mind the spirituality of the last fit. Locke was a man of faith, and Jack was a man of science...he was alone, and he only trusted himself. It took 3 years for him to realize his true purpose. Maybe Lost was a character study, but that's okay. Characters on the show didn't have clearcut qualities...nobody was truly good or evil, everyone made mistakes, even the protector, Hurley. Benjamin Linus, who started out as the "villain" ended up being an integral part of the equation to save the island. The Man in Black may have been "evil" but he had legitimate reasons for wanting to leave...he had a history, and a family. Lost didn't just show one side of the picture.
Sure, we still don't know why the heck that statue is there, WHAT the island was, what happened to the Ajira plane, or anything...but in the end, I don't think it really mattered.
Basically, I love...loved Lost. And I'm going to miss it SO much.

And so it begins...Summer, 2010.

Hello, loyal followers, who I think consist of one person: A. Thanks! Je t'aime x]
I should do some publicity but I don't blog enough for this to be anything reliable...
anyways. Today is Summer: Day 2. Yesterday was the "official" beginning of summer for me, seeing as I'm exempt from all my exams (INCUDING PRECALCULUS. Thank you Math Gods, I will never say I hate math again...urm XD). So me, M, and E went over to A's, helped her with AZ stuffs, got some frisbees, painted em, played frisbee, rollerbladed, biked, saw P/A and other Taborians...Spartans...friends...playing v-ball at Leinbach, talked about college, nostalgic moments ocurred...picked up graduation presents, talked about things we need to do before we leave...
Ugh :x
Well, school doesn't start until September 7th for me. I also finally figured out my financial aid package, and it's better than I thought! Only like 5K more than UNC whichhhh is a deal. Thanks, Amherst financial aid office and the no-loan policy. ^_^ I'm so excited to go UP NORTH! It's like a mythical place...where there's no sweet tea. :o (I don't even like sweet tea so all the better). I will miss people down here though, but I'll be back often, mostly when everyone else will be back ( I just won't be able to visit as often) and I still have like 3 months of pure nothing so I can hang out with them :]
I thiink I can get a job at Arby's. No, not my first choice, but after about 7 or 8 months of hunting my mom asked a co-worker and they know the manager of Arby's, soo...there. I won't cross my fingers until I know for sure...last time, when I thought I was going to be a hostess at Christopher's, you ended up having to be 18 to work there. PHOOEY. Anyways, I'm fine with whatever I can get that will give me some income between now and September.
Our beach trip is going to be awesome...A, E, M and C are tagging along with my family to Myrtle, but we're not doing everything with 'em...staying in the same place but doing different things. It shall be fun!
Other things...I want to plan a field day with tie dying shirts, lacrosse, frisbee, soccer, hula hoops and a slipnslide. I think that would be amazing.
I have so many books I need to read, like some Salman Rushdie stuff, some Camus, some Shakespeare, ...acck! And movies to watch. All the ones that are like "hailed" by people and whatnot.
LOST ENDED. I may need another post to talk about my sadness. (Spoilers will occur. I'll warn you.)
Okay well I think that wraps up my confusement right now. I'm going for a run.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Is this me?

Things like this always fascinate me. this is my "birth tree."
Walnut Tree, the Passion
Unrelenting, strange and full of contrasts, often egoistic, aggressive, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, unlimited ambition, no flexibility, difficult and uncommon partner, not always liked but often admired, ingenious strategist, very jealous and passionate, no compromises.
