Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A List.

-I'm excited to take Hip Hop and Constructing Language over J-Term (ridiculous month long time to take non-credit courses, be cold, eat smores, hang out, be lazy. HELL TO THE YES.)
-I need to run. Go to the gym. Something. No frisbee. :(
-I need to sleep so I'm gonna do that now.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Frisbee Tourney

The tourney last weekend was awesome, I didn't get a point but I did block and pass and I played every game. We went 3-3, lost to montreal, williams and amherst high (they are so freaking good).
so yeah. life is good. scrimmage today. then dinner, free shirts and food for multifaith council at 7 (coexist shirts!), kuchipudi at 8-9:15, reading afterwards. in between, math, french, and some good old aristotle...nicomachean ethics, what what?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wrapping Up

So there you have it, one month (more or less) of blog posts documenting my transition from NC public school/hot weather/leaving awesome people/lack of awesome international students to Massachusetts "elite" (oh god, i hate hate hate rankings) private liberal arts college/weird weather/meeting awesome people/dorm life/adventures in the socials.

It's been pretty great so far and I hope it continues.

I can safely say I've made some friends, a few from ultimate, a few from dance, a few from randomness, a few music nerds, a few hp nerds, a few non-hp/music nerds, a mixture of everything. And I know a whole lot of sub-free-dormers which will make for fun Saturday night sing a long parties.

I might/should continue blogging everyday. It's really feels like I'm writing a letter to myself, sort of, and it's good for carthasis/break from studying sort of thing.

I'm having fun doing things I've never done before like wear cleats, eat cider doughnuts, play ultimate and learn the flick, learn kuchipudi, befriend jamaican/japanese/singaporean/ethiopian kids, see the godfather, and look at jupiter through a telescope.

I hope that I can continue doing things I've never done before.

I'm also having a good time studying what I WANT to study, (except for math but that's okay...that's my own fault).

I'm planning the rest of my time here, getting exciting about upcoming activities, and planning "trips" with my friends...we're going to Boston, New York, and Montreal in seperate weekends...(Montreal isl ike 6 hours away! SIX HOURS! Can you believe it? I can't).

Well I'm going to read Plato now.

THanks for following my blog, alyenfrance, my only follower :D

-so long- I may be back sometime soon!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

why diversity is flippin' awesome

I THINK this is my last blog, but I'm not sure and I'm too lazy to check. So here we go.

Colleges like to talk about diversity and such, and sometimes they overdo it, but I really do think it's important...take my school for example. We have so many international students and kids from 48 states, and we only have 1700ish students. It's pretty awesome. Internationals add sooo much to your college experience, because their cultures and societies are so different, etc etc, and it's really cool to know people from different states/of different religions, social classes, races etc. 40% of students here are "students of color" as it were (i never understood how to use the phrase as it

Anyways, if I were to go to say, warren wilson college, outside of asheville, which is 98% white (no problem with that, may i add, there would still be a diversity of religions and stuff) but i just wouldn't get the same experience, the same richness of extracurricular activities, and social-stuff-to-do

so anyways...yeah, diversity is awesome

Saturday, September 18, 2010

yom kippur//crepes//bird sanctuary adventures

yesterday involved lots of adventures...first me and some friends went to a tango lesson and learned how to tango :D
then we went to dinner
then me and this person who i will call nerdboy (despite the fact that he's not thhhaaat nerdy) played ping pong
then we found people from our orientation trip and went to the bird sanctuary (at night, mind you) and it was really neat. the mountains were in the background and the sky was pink and such. nerdboy was making one of my other friends think there were northeastern scorpions...
then we visited waldorf (a modular trailer dorm b/c our class is kinda big) and we lost the friend who was being accosted by nerdboy about scorpions D:
then we went back to stearns (sub free HP themed dorm) to another friend's room. she had a huuuge stash of japanese food that we feasted on and we talked about randomness
then me and my james buddy who i will call jersey-boy returned to our dorm and i went to sleep
at like 2
it was great
sorry about ftba >_< i was having a life :D

Thursday, September 16, 2010

still counts, i'm not asleep yet

today i played ultimate in the rain which was great
ultimate is so different from anything i've done before
-cleats needed
-fast sprinting
-catching, slipping
-fun fun fun
roomie is asleep
need to go to sleep right now
bye, see you later...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Things I Could Do Today But will Do Tomorrow and Firday

1. history reading (20 pages. due monday)
2. history paper concerning primary source (2 pages. ungraded. due monday)
3. Look over french poem (for monday)
4. Math hw (hasn't been posted so i'm blaming the prof who btw is like 20 something and is the typical nerd and it's soooo awesome and he's also very funny)
5. Reading for my seminar, friendship (due tuesday, but i also have to read some plato due thursday, annd those are full books...)

What I will Do instead
1. keep quiet while my roomie works
2. watch frisbee videos to get my strategy down pat (is that the expression?)
3. watch youtube videos

why this isn't procrastinating
1. i already did my french grammar today

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

So when I joined ultimate, I pictured practice would be a two hour tossing session. I was drawn in my the neon hoodies, the awesome name (SPARKLE MOTION! DONNIE DARKO REFERENCE!) the fact that frisbees basically amazing, and the costume parties. I forgot the whole team-sport-on-a-field-requring-strategy-and-fast-sprinting thing, and the whole -mix-between-basketball-soccer-and-football thing, but I'm learning. Today I learned that when someone calls for a stack that means they have the frisbee, and the defenders don't have the frisbee (I seem to be team-sport-tarded). Also there are different types of stacks (how you organize your team members to make it easier to get the frisbee). And here I was thinking the frisbee players just run around randomly trying to catch it...oh man, was I wrong.

Life is not getting calmer but it's getting more routine which is a good thing. MY desk is filled with random books for classes, mostly my seminar...Shakespeare, Aristotle, Plato, Toni MOrrison, Servantes, and Paine, anyone? I think the class may cause me some pain(e).
Ba dum tsh
Additionally my fridge is sitll near empty because I ate all my food...oops...and dinner ends at 7:30 leaving my hungry at this time of night. Fail. It might be a good thing though, less snacking=less chance of gaining that freshman 15, right? Although the ice cream machine (THEY HAVE CONES TOO) is so amazing...
and froyo...

Monday, September 13, 2010

busy bee

i'm so busy that i'm not going to feel bad about the lame-ness of my posts anymore.

i'm on the frisbee team now (sparkle motion) and it's hard because i'm so not used to team sports and sprinting all the time across the field and defending and strategies. i appreciate the simplicity of running now, but it's still really fun AND WE GET TO WEAR CLEATS i'm not sure why that excites me so much

i'll see if i can keep it up this week, our first tournament is next saturday at dartmouth

iii loooove new englllaaandd
oh and i have lots of reading for history
and lots of grammar for french
and lots of reading for friendship
and lots of math for math
so i'm going to sleep and do that stuff tomorrow

Sunday, September 12, 2010

the amherst party
hosted monthly for us all
yesterday was fun

dancing for so long
funny awkward nerd dancing
made me laugh all night

it's getting cold here
and it's not even winter
whip out the sweatshirts

Friday, September 10, 2010

i think i forgot to blog yesterday but i don't remember. i've been kinda swamped with work and i'm trying not to procrastinate yet. i have like 30 pages for friendship so i might split that up into two days so i remember it well enough for discussion tuesday, and then i have to read a poem for french and i've already written my lettre (about photographie) and then i have calculus/algebra WE LEARNED SLOPE TODAY for the first time in my life i feel smart in math......
except for that time last year when i beasted at proofs for like one day.
okay and in 30 minutes is screen on the green and i'm trying to find people to go with
annnnnnnnd i went to the mall today and it was fun
and tomorrow is dance auditions
and i just realized how crazy my life sounds and it's really not THAT crazy it's just mildly crazy
and so ahhh.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I've discovered that all the shows I like would sound ridiculous to other people if I explained them.

"Oh so there's these people who crash on this island, right, and apparently these people were there before them and tested on polar bears and stuff,and the island has a life force, oh and there's this weird magnetic energy thing that the island has that brought the plane down, and there's a russian with one eye and an iraqi and people who speak latin all the time and a guy who never dies."


"So there's this guy who's a Time Lord, right, and he has two hearts and he can regenerate, and he flies around in a space ship called time and relative dimension in space, and it's bigger on the inside, and he has companions who are usually female and usually fall in love with him even though he's an alien, and he fights these weird robotic space men things, and these weirdly cone-like shaped Dalek things, and he saves the world all the time."

-Doctor Who

Yeah I'm nuts

Monday, September 6, 2010

What I've Learned So Far

1. Introverted people are the best kind to get to know because once they open up they're really great

2. The Val isn't that awful

3. If you're roommate is on a team you will never ever see them, ever, unless they are sleeping or skyping.

4. The type of people you hung out with in high school (music nerds, etc) tend to be easier to hang out with in college, but it's good to branch players can be really cool!

5. Stargazing is great.

6. People assume NC and SC are the same. This is very very wrong and needs to be explained.

7. App-ah-latch-un? App-ah-lay-chun? Which is correct? Who knows?

8. Snacks in your dorm room are essential.

9. Communal bathrooms........

10. Water pong is very unexciting
wake up in the morning feeling like a zombie
grab my key i'm out the door, breakfast waiting for me
before i leave, brush my teeth in the bathroom (it's wack)
cos when I leave for frisbee, i ain't coming back


excuse the random tik tok ness
i learned how to throw a frisbee! there's this guy who is really really really really good at throwing frisbees, like he knows all these weird throws and they all go perfectly straight and he can throw really far. it's crazy.

i woke up this morning and went for a run on the bike trail. i figured out after a while that it was actually a xc trail so that was cool. it was a short loop because i didn't want to get lost.

then i went to val and had weird raisin french toast. i don't mind raisins personally, but it was just kinda odd.

i'm not used to eating three meals a day because at home i have breakfast then lunch/dinner at like 4 but here dinner doesn't start until 4:30 and lunch ends at 2 sooo yeah.

school starts tomorrow and i'm slightly terrified.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Series of Haikus Summarizing My First Week of College

Do you want pizza?
Free food everywhere you look.
Hope you exercise!

So people will come
To your big event you should
Offer free t-shirts

Which club will you join?
Newspaper, crew, dance or film
Is there enough time?

Sorry what's your name?
I've forgotten it again
I'm really sorry.

Can't be sarcastic
When people can't tell you are
Makes things awkward fast.

Don't get schwasted here
Vomit is not fun to clean
Strive for point oh five

Roommates can be cool
Harder when they play soccer
Wake up early, yikes!

Do you need a map?
Webster is the other way...
Obvious first years.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Well crap, looks like I've missed a day by 17 minutes as of now. That's unfortunate, I was doing so well.
Today I watched the Godfather (I'll make him an offer he a-can't refuse!) and hung out with nerdpeople and such.
It's really cold here. It's actually only 50 something degrees but I was shivering because I was tired. I'm in the common room because my roomie is sleeping and I don't wanna bother her. It's really nice here.
School starts Tuesday. Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap.
People keep walking around and I feel slightly awkward here.
Stream of conciousness ftw?
It's interesting how the people in Stearns (sub-free dorm) are so different from James-ies...most are internationals or Asian and I'm not sure why that is.
Food here is good, too good, I need to go run! Tomorrow!
Okay that's it.

Friday, September 3, 2010


My room is stocked with Fig Newtons, oreos, and Chewy bars. This means I'll have to go run sometime, which will not be an easy feat here. The hills are ridiculously steep. I just feel like if I went out and ran I'd end up stopping halfway and climbing back to my dorm (the freshie dorms surrounded the quad->the highest point on campus).

I haven't had that much internet time which is good. The past few weeks before orientation I was spending way too much time online watching Doctor Who. Now I havent even watched the next Torchwood episode. I'm sure I'll find time for that during breaks.

Yesterday night me and a bunch of FOOT (first year outdoor orientatino trip or something) people hung out all night and did some of the fun freshman-y things around here. We also mingled around the socials (where all the parties happen) watching drunk people. Meeting drunk people is really fun because they're so much more outgoing and they're just like "oh i promise i'm not usually like this!" It's kinda great to observe from a distance.

I'm not going to that much free time next week because classes start. I've looked at my history syllabus and for one class we have almost weekly papers and so much to read. It's going to be near impossible, so if I regress to a few haikus I hope I'll be forgiven by the BEDOTM (blog every day of the month) gods.

On that note, I should go pick up my laundry soon.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I'm back from my FOOT trip. I returned to my dorm lugging my duffel and backpack, covered in sweat (yum) and dirt. It was so much fun though. We played never have i ever which i lost by so many points...not that I care about that. I met lots of people and we have a little foot group going on now with people from the trip. We went canoeing yesterday which was really nice. We took a dip in the Connecticut River and slept under the stars, literally.
Unfortunately the Boston Trip is cancelled (thanks Hurricane Earl. Thanks.) even though we'll probably only get rain, there may be a chance of flooding or something...I guess.
I'm in a good mood right now. I just played Ultimate, even though I suck, and it was good.
I need to go get a free t-shirt. Free food and free shirts, that's how you get people to go to your events.
So long.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Back so soon!

Since many of my last blogs haven't had any focus whatsoever, I'm going to discuss the whole "adding people on facebook before meeting them in person at college" phenomenon. My roommate is sleeping (but is a heavy sleeper, thank god!) so I have to make it brief.

Before coming here, I added maybe 60 people because I was so pumped to meet everyone. There were a couple of people who really went out of their way to talk to people like everyday just on facebook. It was a good way to pre-socialize. What's weird is when you walk around and meet people, forget you added them on facebook, and they're like "oh yeah i recognize you from facebook". It kinda creeps me out even though usually i'm the one adding everyone.

It's also interesting to compare people on the internet and in real life, because we only see some facets of people online so you can't form a real idea of their personality. You don't know their height, or if they're quiet or outgoing, and other things which really affect how you interact with them.

It's easy to tell who is playing football on campus and whatnot, and it's easy to jump to conclusions. From perusing this guy's facebook (he's in one of my classes and in my squad) I saw that he was a football player and he didn't seem like someone i'd ever socialize with, but it turns out we've both lived in Cape Town and he's actually a cool person; snap judgments are not a good thing.

Well that's just my weird blog entry, I'm gonna go canoe tomorrow and then camp and hike the next day...bye!

Chamber of Secrets?

It's getting harder and harder to find time to blog, and when I do it's a stream-of-conciousness rambling type of bog and not a well thought out and constructed one. Oops.

Tomorrow I leave for a two day camping trip (first time camping!) and we'll be canoeing as well. I leave around 8, which means I'll have to blog super early?
Maybe I'll just blog at 12:01 today.

Things are going well here...I'm just repeating myself, really. Yesterday I went out on my own to find people and succeeded in joining a group of northerners (meaning they're from North Hall) and going to a "college party" which wasn't that exciting. I want the awesome dance parties that happen every month :D They're called TAPs, The Amherst Party, and have special themes.

It's harder for someone like me to make friends right away, because I'm the listening, observant type. Here, you have to make an effort to put yourself out there. I can't tell you how many times I've said "I'm Yasmina, I'm from Winston Salem North Carolina (Blank looks make me continue with "Where Wake Forest is" which leads to recognition. I'll leave out the whole underwear-hot sauce-doughnut-tobacco capital of the world thing out for now).

I'm having fun though. I branched out at the President's Barbecue and sat with some new people. They got onto the subject of the nicest dorm of campus, which has been described as a ski lodge and Hogwarts. It's called Charles Pratt, and it's a first year dorm. A girl said that she didn't get why people thought it looked like Hogwarts, and that she saw that someone started a Harry Potter board on the facebook group and she wasn't into it. It's cool that she's not into it, I don't have a problem with that, I just thought it was funny because I actually started that group. NERD NERD NERD :D I bruoght my Hogwarts glass, my lanyard and HP 4.

Today there were a couple of skits about student health, like sex, alchohol and such. In one of the skits, this guy was like "So have you entered her Chamber of Secrets yet?" and it was amazing. I love HP pick up lines and such.
Well I have to go to a lecture about another book thing we read, concerning race and class at an elite college...or something. Adios!

Monday, August 30, 2010

I should go ahead and do today's blog because I will be going to a barbecue at the president's house, a lecture, a squad meeting, and various other things today. ridiculous. and it's almost 5:30.
i'm taking four classes: friendship (my freshman seminar), math 5 (calc with algebra), early modern europe (historyyyy!) and french 7 (intro to lit and culture). french 7 is for people who did ap sooo i hope it's not too difficult. as for math...i think i might as well take calc since i did precalc and i don't want that to go to waste, but i do dislike math. i couldn't have four humanities classes though, i want to think outside the box, and with math as my base i can do econ, chem and other things.
our floor is pretty neat. we have 20ish people here, guys and girls, and they're all nice so far but i haven't met all of them. the buildings are gorgeous, the food is tolerable, the professors are really amazing, and the hills are many and good for your calves. overall, i'm perfectly satisified so far, on my second day.
my parents are trekking back home. goodbye was strange, but it's not really goodbye.
wicked reference what? maybe, i don't rememeber the song lyrics.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


After 13 hours of traveling, a minor crisis concerning hotels, and waking up really early, I finally got to my destination: AMHERST.
First of all, the town is absolutely wonderful. It's a college town (voted best in America last year) and there were people holding up signs that said "peace" and "anti-nuclear...something" and it was just beautiful. I know this is common here but I was like OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING.
My dorm room is very very nice. It's a corner room, and we have lots of storage and space under our beds. I put up my books (Harry Potter 4, Mockinjay, Will Grayson Will Grayson, The Golden Compass, two student dictionaries and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close), and pictures, and al sorts of randomness that comes with dorms. My roommate IS A HARRY POTTER FAN AND HAS HERMIONE'S WAND and is a HEAVY SLEEPER and is MESSY. These are good things. I am messy, and I think it's good that we're together because we can be like "oh hey, we're getting out of control" and it won't be weird to have a really neat side and a really messy side.
or maybe it's just a recipe for chaos.
regardless i am sooo happy.
my floormmates and i went downtown, to "bond" i suppose. downtown is like one street. It's really neat. that rhymed.
they're really nice people, from all over. well, mostly new york or massachusetts. there's a guy from virginia (the south! that is rare here) and another guy from florida. a few girls from new york are really into harry potter which makes me happy--->midnight release, for sure

it's been slightly odd. i'm a listener, not a talker, so most of the time i'm observing. but here i have to get into conversations, and meet people and such, and it's not something i'm used to but it's something i'm going to have to get used to.

by the way, the air here smells of education and learning and amazingness. i'm probably imagining this but it's sooo great.

i'm leaving in an hour to go to the campus center thing, there will be laser tag. tomorrow is advising. the next day is my canoeing and camping trip.

oh man.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Massachusetts: Land of Awesome

Massachusetts. Land of awesome. And college. And awesome colleges.
I'm currently in a hotel room that is NON-SMOKING, yay! (after last night, it's a big deal).
Also, I move in tomorrow around 9 and meet my roommate and stuff
It'll be coooool.
And I hope it'll go well!
I'll get my fridge and such. Say goodbye to the fam, start the next four years of my life etc...
or to be less-dramatic, I'll just be at school until November (break) and then a month off for Christmas.
I can pretend I'm at Hogwarts!
It's dinner time. Goodbye!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Bethel, Pennsylvania: Famished Amish

I'm en route to Massachusetts at the moment (for COLLEGECOLLEGECOLLEGE) and thus excited. We had to stop to get some ZZZZZZs here, and the only available room with enough beds was...a smoking room. It's kinda overpowering but I'll get used to it...I just hope my clothes don't smell of it. Ew.
Today we went to ANTIETAM and it was SO AWESOME because it smelled of HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY
and I'm a history nerd so I was like AHHHH
except it's not really a "good" time in history. Bloodiest battle of the civil war and all...yeah...but so cool because I've never been to a battlefield before!
It was...well, it was a field. It had monuments in it. And a cool visitor's center.
SO yeah. That was cool.
Today also consisted of:
reading mockingjay
being bored by the car ride
taking pictures
taking pictures of myself because i was bored
going to a sketchy diner, having yummy food, and it had a TOWEL dispenser. WHAT THE HECK.
So yeah

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Hunger Games: Musical Companion!

I've decided to write today's blog early because I already know today's plans: get ready for leaving tomorrow, do laundry, finish Doctor Who, and cook. Right now I want to make a playlist for The Hunger Games (I'm 75% finished, I'm saving the rest of Mockingjay for tomorrow's long car ride). I have to finish the blog portion though, so let me continue...
This morning I had breakfast with Aly which was fun, then I came home and got my tripod out and took jumping pictures and got attacked by mosquitoes (at like 10:30 A.M, why?), and then I made a video...and did laundry. I have to start cooking soon. Fun stuff, I know.
I've been done with packing for almost a week now, so there's no last minute rush for anything. I need to charge my iPod and pack my backpack and stuff like that, but nothing super-major.
So here goes the playlist
World Spins Madly On-The Weepies
Help I'm Alive-Metric
Geared for Action-Jet Lag Gemini
Time is Running Out-Muse
Burning for You-Shiny Toy Guns (cover of the Blue Oyster Cult song)
You Really Got a Hold on Me-She & Him

Then I got distracted by a fly in my room and lost interest in the playlist-making-feat.
Soooo this blog is generally uninteresting!
Oh. I hate music snobs-people who think they're better than other people because their music is not as well-known, and who stop liking bands because they get popular.
If you like your band you should be happy for them!
That is all.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Esther Earl (crazycrayon)passed away earlier today; although I've only seen a few of her videos/skimmed her Tumblr, I felt for her family...DFTBE, guys
to the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.

Today, I also
-made brownies
-got halfway through mockingjay
-got halfway through season 4 of doctor who
-gave my brother advice about high school
-made fun of my brother about high school
-decided a list format would be best for today's blog

live long and prosper, friends

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mockingjay and Banking

Today I went to the bank, deposited my babysitting money/check stuff, and got my copy of Mockingjay. I'm not realy in a reading-marathon-mood so I took a break. I'm also gonna try to fit in a run somewhere between the reading and watching and blogging. Oh my life is SO busy.
I leave soon, so I've stacked up a pile of hangers from my closets and various other knick-knacks from my room...a wooden turtle, a porcelain China cat from Chicago, a paperweight snowglobe type thing...of Chicago. I don't have some strange love for Chicago, haha.
I'm slightly worried about having too much "stuff". I brought like 2 weeks of clothes, a trunk full of shoes, books, hangers, towels and sheets, a duffel bag full of school supplies and knick-knacks (i'll use the duffel bag for camping next week) and then one big suitcase and one teeny suitcase.
that is all

Monday, August 23, 2010

Gamer Girl?

Today was spent babysitting a friend of my mom's, which is good, because I need all the money I can get before I go off to college and use said money for food/textbooks/other necessities.

I played Beatles Rock Band/Guitar Hero with the kid (who is 8 and really awesome). We then went to Walgreens where I bought a cheap-o bouncy ball to play volleyball with at the park. This was a bad idea, because I had forgotten the meaning of the saying: "Like a kid in the candy store." He made a beeline to the candy aisle and I had to make a great effort to get him outside again. Phew.

I then played BioShock 2 after he left, which is really fun, even though I don't really like first person shooters. Makes me think of cosplay ideas for Animazement.

Mockingjay comes out tomorrow so I'm going to get a copy (if possible) then read all day :D
Sadly, no bookstores in my area are holding midnight release parties.

That is all for today, tune in for tomorrow's post!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Heads will roll (on the floor).

If you're wondering about the blog title, check <--- that out. Haha, yeah yeah yeahs are awesome (apparently the badn is NOT called THE yeah yeah yeahs, so yeah...)

Today I went to get black yarn so my mom can crochet my hufflepuff scarf (I made six this summer so she was nice enough to make one for me :D) and also buy some headphones for college (unfortunately they aren't the super-cool-big-black ones I would have ilked, but they work just fine).

Now, I'm listening to Yeah Yeah Yeahs on YouTube and...well, blogging. I also finished Season 3 of Doctor Who. I loved the 3rd season! It had more...powerful, emotional episodes. And I really loved Martha so much more than Rose. Rose just kinda annoyed me. And now there's Donna. I don't think I'll like her very much. I'm kinda delaying watching the first episode of Season 4. Martha was really good though. She saved the world and all! The whole last-time-lord-dying thing was sad. Poor Doctor. AND JACK IS THE FACE OF BO WHAT!
(Also is it a requirement that Doctor Who's companions wear big ol' hoop earrings? Rose did, Martha did for like one episode, and now Donna is.)
I'm sorry. I'm just ranting now. It's good to have something to replace, LOST can't be replaced, ever. It's soooo gooooooddd.

Well, this has turned into a tv-show-rant, my apologies. I'm babysitting again tomorrow and Tuesday, most likely. I'm also finishing up my summer reading (few pages left now). Leaving Friday...getting stuff together and whatnot.
Until tomorrow...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm turning into a bonafide nerd, here

Sally Sparrow: Aren't you on duty, *Detective Inspector Shipton*?
Billy Shipton: Nope. Knocked off before we came down here. Told them I had a family crisis.
Sally Sparrow: Why?
Billy Shipton: Because life is short and you are hot. Drink?

So I'm watching "Blink" (Season 3 Doctor Who) and it's amazing so far but I interrupted to get today's blog post out for you anxious readers because there's so many of you! :D
hahahahah, I'm J.K rowlinng you (get it)?
(I just went downstairs to check on my slice of pizza in the toaster oven only to discover the toast oven was off. Woe is me. Also my brother tends to use way too much of his suave smells-like-manly-man-sweat body wash at NIGHT which leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. Anyways.)
So today I also watched the Human Nature/Family of Blood episodes and they were fantastic! I tihnk the history themed episodes are really great. Like the girl in the fireplace, and the shakespeare one. Also, to see John Smith was kinda heartbreaking. And to see John/The Doctor LOVE SOMEBODY was really weird
like realllyyy weird
In other news, I'm pretty much packed for college. I've got one big suitcase with all my clothes, one small suitcase for carry-on luggage on holidays that has random stuff in it, a trunk (like harry potter!) filled with shoes, sheets, towels, and books (goblet of fire, will grayson, will grayson, looking for alaska, and extremely loud and incredibly close. so had to limit myself to four. I kinda wanted to bring golden compass, but i'll reserve that for re-reading once I'm home for a month during January break.
As of today, all my friends are at college already, making friends and having fun and going to parties and what-not, and I'm in my room watching Doctor Who (but that's okay because I'll do all that college stuff in one week, 2 hours and 55 minutes (as of 9:05 P.M) or something close to that.
The open curriculum is really amazing and scary. I'm find myself looking at math classes (MATH CLASSES? REALLY?) considering taking them but then remember that i ABHOR math even though my last teacher made me forget that sometimes (just sometimes). I have heard that calculus is easier than pre-calc, but this is coming from kids who are /good/ at math. Sooo we'll see.
I really want to take a French class (I kinda have to), an art class (pre-req to photography), and a history class. My freshman seminar is Friendship. It's about (take a wild guess,) friendship, and we read Greek stuff and English lit and all that. It's an English class. I'm semi-excited
I also have a chapter or so of my summer reading left, and I'm reading Leviathan (Scott Wetserfield). MOCKINGJAY COMES OUT SOON.
So I'm gonna go back to watching Doctor Who, I tend to pause it for too long and then I'm like "oh crap i'm watching doctor who". So yeah, back to that.

Friday, August 20, 2010

(In which I portray my love of parentheses and tackle controversy once more.)

So RamblingsofaRose and Alyenfrance are doing this little project where you blog everday for a month. Seeing as I'm leaving for college in a week, I'm assuming this will be a "big change" that will be good to "document" for "the future" and all that stuff. So I've decided to do it as well! (Let's hope I don't need to make pictures like Hayley G Hoover (I love following the 5AG BEDAs!)) okay that was parenthetical suicide, no more of that.
I recently gave my email to the Amherst Student (the school newspaper) to maybe be a photographer/writer. They sent as an optional assignment where we could write about a certain topic. Seeing as I have never written a newspaper article (but I did get an editorial published once XD) I decided I'd just do it on my blog! I will be tackling that subject that you MUST have heard about, that people just can't shut up about, that is annoying me to DEATH...the "mosque at ground zero" debate.

When I first heard about these plans my thoughts were mixed. I felt that there really shouldn't be anything near Ground Zero...but then I looked into it and discovered that the building isn't even a mosque, it's a community center with one floor reserved for Muslim prayer. It's meant to cross bridges, to unite people of different faiths as a sort of YMCA. Here's a quote from the Cordoba Initiative website:
"The community center will be a platform to amplify the voices of the overwhelming majority of Muslims whose love for America and commitment to peace gets drowned out by the actions of a few extremists. ....As Muslim New Yorkers and Americans we want to help and be part of rebuilding our neighborhood in lower Manhattan. It is important for all of us to show the world that Americans will not be frightened or deterred by the extremist forces of hatred."

Essentially, The Cordoba Initiative is meant to help improve relations between the Islamic world and the western world, something that I believe really needs to be done.

"This building will serve as an emblem for the rest of the world that Americans ... recognize that the evil acts of a few must never damn the innocent."-Donna O'Connor, whose daughter died on 9/11

My point here is that we must remember the bigger picture of America, the whole "Puritans came here to have religious freedom" thing. I don't know if these people have heard of "Freedom of Religion but it's kinda one of our founding principles.
Anyways that's just my two cents.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Twilight? Harry Potter?

So I seem to be entering what seems to be a World War III battlefield. Anyways, my viewpoint on this debate is...either, or. I don't think it matters if people like both Twilight and Harry Potter. I've read all four Twilight books *insert groan* and even had a Twilight themed party in the midst of the Twi-mania. Then, it kinda spiraled out of control with the rabid tweensters and the Twi-moms and the cardboard cut-outs and it got mildly disturbing/obsessive. I did enjoy the books as a guilty pleasure, and yes, the writing was kinda bad, (she uses couldn't've...) Bella serves as a horrible example for young girls (okay, so you seriously can't function because your boyfriend leaves for a few months? You fall into deep depression? Unrealistic to say the least), and the whole imprinting thing was more than a little bit creepy. But I enjoyed reading them, all the while waiting for them to get better, and I thought Breaking Dawn was HILARIOUS (which was not the intended effect, I'm sure).
But now it seems like you can only like HP or Twilight (and I'm a huge HP fan, I've spent this summer re-reading the books and even read Sorcerer's Stone in French thanks to my friend, and I went to WWOHP, and I've read the books since I was 9, sneaking around my mom who forbade them.) I think it's kinad ridiculous to compare the two series at all, one is a romance...fantasy-ish thing, the other is an epic that stands alongside The Chronicles of Narnia and maybe even LOTR one day (one day...)
But in the long run, Cedric Diggory > Edward Cullen, always, Robert Pattinson.
And Lupin > Jacob.

Monday, August 16, 2010

why i'm annoyed.

So everyone has gotten their roommates and everything, and most are moving in this or next week (this week really), and here I am anguished over the fact that my email was supposed to go out today and it was delayed.
It's really not that big of a deal, really. It's just annoying, and I need to vent, and one of my pet peeves is complaining on facebook (if you notice I hardly ever say "bad day" unless it was a REALLY bad day, just because I don't like to). So yeah, that's the end of my ranting.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

I write like app: who do you write like?

I'm messing with this app I saw on facebook. You enter some of your writing in the box (A blog post, unfinished novel or story, etc) and it tells you "who you write like." My story gave me David Foster Wallace (author if the reallyreallyrealy long book infinite jest that i'm now reading. My blog posts gave me Dan Brown and David Foster Wallace again. Then I started being silly. This is what I did.
"Death. Despair. Depression. Grief." Arthur Conan Doyle
"Boys. Happiness. Joy. Love." Jane Austen
"Centaurs. Unicorns. Witches. Wizards." J.K Rowling
This is too much fun.

Friday, July 9, 2010

I'm in Atlanta now, we're clearing the house out and putting it on the market. When we arrived we found both the garage and deck doors wide open, signifying a break-in. My question is this; why would anyone climb UP THE DECK to get inside? Mad. Anyways, this is the 3rd/4th time this has happened so I'm glad we won't have to deal with it anymore.
Also there's birds in our attic. :( We're gonna set them free!

Other than that: Harry Potter w/Chandler next week! Leaving Monday, for two days at Universal, then retour on Thursday. After that, back to Winston on the 15th because little broski has Boy Scout camp.

I'm re-reading Book 5 (ties with Book 6 for my least favorite, but saying you have a least favorite HP book is like saying you have a least favorite type of chocolate cake.)

Also have: Infinite Jest (insanely long contemporary fiction novel) and Leviathan!

Things to look forward to: Wrock, Warped (mayhaps), August-getting-ready-for-college, AP Scores, and ORIENTATION

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I feel like a lot of my posts have been unorganized ramblings and I apologize for that to my one follower. Hehe. I'm would try to publicize this more but I don't really want to, I like having it as a journal/diary kind of thing.

Basically our trip can be summed up as: Dick's, House of Blues, lots of badforyou food, lots of ice cream, shopping, haunted house, magiquest, johnny rocket's, fake cigarettes, awkward status updates by Evan, long car rides, getting lost, board games, not being able to sleep, and friendship bracelets. In short, a lot of memories were made, a lot of junk food was eaten, and not a lot of sleeping was done.

Let me not so deftly segue to another topic. I've decided to try a new sport in college (soccer/frisbee/crew/something that isn't running) because 1. Most of the team run 19 5Ks and I was looking for a "running club" atmosphere and 2. I HATE HATE HATE being on a running plan/being told what to run/all of that. I just like to run however long I want to. 3. I wasn't planning on running XC in college anyway, so why should I change my plans? 4. First year of college, new region, new friends, 13 hours from home, and I'll be working a job/balancing a heavy workload. No thank you.

Another not-so-subtle segue. I am compiling books to read/movies to watch. I've got:
House of Leaves (or so I think it's called), catch-22 (I need to return that soon), re-reading Fitzgerald, and other things. I'm excited.

I emailed Winston Salem Monthly (local free magazine) asking if I could volunteer/intern for them. I got photography assignments, one at Salem Gymnastics and the other at Wolfie's. I'm excited excited excited.

I should leave. I don't want to sleep, but I have an orthodontist appointment tomorrow. 8:30. Retainer check. Ew.

I'll bank on 4 hours tonight...maybe 5. Sleep is for the weak.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

So many of my fellow classmates are like, incredibly talented.
Class of 2014 at Amherst includes:
1. A glassblower
2. a girl who's taking a gap year to teach english in ethiopia and learn french in senegal, is that not the most beastly thing ever?
3. kids who have done legitimate scientific research with doctors and such :o
4. like 30% were valecdictorians
5. one kid did a project where he analyzed every single book of the bible on a blog :o
6. Lots of poets and novelists
(I should've used nanowrimo on my application! not that it matters now XD)
anyways it's pretty much a super-neat class. and i'm excited.
also, Amanda (no one reads this and amanda is a super common name anyways XD) got a new macbook and it's sooooo cooooooool. but they're like 1200 bucks so I don't see that in my near future XD
I should work on trying to make my posts more flow-y. I shouldn't write "like". That's a bad sign when I'm using like ONLINE even. BAD BAD BAD YASMINA.
Well, I think I've got all my aid stuff for college sorted out which is a relief. I'm excited for this next month, Roflcoptour, maybe-Harry-Potter, lots of bucket list activities, and then the next month, when I'll leave for orientation August 27th (when most of my friends will have already started college!). I'll have a week of Orientation (when I'll go on a overnight camping/canoeing/hiking trip. So excited.) Then I'll start school Tuesday, September 7th. (Yes, New England school schedules for the win!) I'm so very excited.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Hey! I have graduated. Wooooooo!
I also have a job. The job market has been unkind to me but I managed to get a babysitting gig with a friend of my mom's for the summer. It's pretty sweet, getting paid to watch Up and play frisbee :D
Also, I had emailed the amherst xc coach a while back about running for the team. Their team is sooo good (most of the girls run like 20-18 5Ks) and he did say I'd be behind for the most part but I'd be welcome on the team. So I have the training schedule which isn't too bad, and I'm getting into shape and such. I'm excited. If it ends up being too much for me I can always quit :x Gotta love division 3 teams, you get the fun of the sport without the worry of competition ^_____^
Also, Graduation Trip---hoping to go to HP!!
And now I am on Tumblr chilliiing. I kinda hate NC weather. I have to sleep early so I can wake up before 8 and manage to run in NON humid heat. EW. Unless I drive over to RG and enjoy the slightly less hot, shady areas. Hm. Anyways. So long.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

my mom said i can go somewhere as a "Graduation trip" and I'm not sure where I want to go!
1. Harry Potter...If I went to the park this year, it'd be cool because it's the first year and all AND it's harry potter and I could get a wand or something D:
2. that I've gone through HS I'd appreciate all the museums and the newseum seems EPIC buuuut it'll still be there later D:
3. California! That's probably not going to happen but if it could that'd be schweet
4. Montreal :o :o largest french speaking city outside of Paris (plus the hilarious/cool Quebecois accents XD) but I'd only be 5 hours away in Massachusetts so I could go up there sometime :3

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


SO it's been a while. While I was gone, I went to animazement in Raleigh, NC. That was great fun. My mom let me and C drive up there (yes I drove on the high way for two hours there and back and did not die!) for just the saturday. I dressed up as a steampunk character...steampunk is pretty much a reimagination of the future, instead of us using electricity, we'd use mechanics, like clockwork stuff. Think lemony snicket movie costume's AWESOME. I took so many pictures with Carmen (my nikon D3000<3) and it was so awesome....I'm jamming to Bright Eyes. I love Bright Eyes, very raw stuff........I feel indie and snobby but anyways
Also, I graduate Saturday, I'll be done with the past 12 years of my lifeeeeee

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lost. Here be spoilers.

Hi, my names is Yasmina and I'm addicted to Lost. I went to watch the finale at a downtown indie theatre. I have the Lost videogame and Lost boardgame. I have 3/6 seasons on DVD and bluray. I've read boards, watched clips, listened to commentaries, downloaded podcasts, and found wallpapers. And I can't believe it's over.

People may think I'm stupid/insane/nutty, but Lost has been a pretty significant part of my past 6 years...I started watching in 7th grade because of Dominic Monaghan. I continued because of the amazing story, intricate plotlines, and plain bizarre quality. It turned from a show about stranded passengers on an island to a show of mythic proportions, incorporating philosophy, allegory, allusions from books of all kinds, and amazing storytelling as well as awesome music by Michael Giacchino (winner of an Oscar for his work with Up!) It's just a story about good and evil, temptation, and redemption. I don't mind the spirituality of the last fit. Locke was a man of faith, and Jack was a man of science...he was alone, and he only trusted himself. It took 3 years for him to realize his true purpose. Maybe Lost was a character study, but that's okay. Characters on the show didn't have clearcut qualities...nobody was truly good or evil, everyone made mistakes, even the protector, Hurley. Benjamin Linus, who started out as the "villain" ended up being an integral part of the equation to save the island. The Man in Black may have been "evil" but he had legitimate reasons for wanting to leave...he had a history, and a family. Lost didn't just show one side of the picture.
Sure, we still don't know why the heck that statue is there, WHAT the island was, what happened to the Ajira plane, or anything...but in the end, I don't think it really mattered.
Basically, I love...loved Lost. And I'm going to miss it SO much.

And so it begins...Summer, 2010.

Hello, loyal followers, who I think consist of one person: A. Thanks! Je t'aime x]
I should do some publicity but I don't blog enough for this to be anything reliable...
anyways. Today is Summer: Day 2. Yesterday was the "official" beginning of summer for me, seeing as I'm exempt from all my exams (INCUDING PRECALCULUS. Thank you Math Gods, I will never say I hate math again...urm XD). So me, M, and E went over to A's, helped her with AZ stuffs, got some frisbees, painted em, played frisbee, rollerbladed, biked, saw P/A and other Taborians...Spartans...friends...playing v-ball at Leinbach, talked about college, nostalgic moments ocurred...picked up graduation presents, talked about things we need to do before we leave...
Ugh :x
Well, school doesn't start until September 7th for me. I also finally figured out my financial aid package, and it's better than I thought! Only like 5K more than UNC whichhhh is a deal. Thanks, Amherst financial aid office and the no-loan policy. ^_^ I'm so excited to go UP NORTH! It's like a mythical place...where there's no sweet tea. :o (I don't even like sweet tea so all the better). I will miss people down here though, but I'll be back often, mostly when everyone else will be back ( I just won't be able to visit as often) and I still have like 3 months of pure nothing so I can hang out with them :]
I thiink I can get a job at Arby's. No, not my first choice, but after about 7 or 8 months of hunting my mom asked a co-worker and they know the manager of Arby's, soo...there. I won't cross my fingers until I know for sure...last time, when I thought I was going to be a hostess at Christopher's, you ended up having to be 18 to work there. PHOOEY. Anyways, I'm fine with whatever I can get that will give me some income between now and September.
Our beach trip is going to be awesome...A, E, M and C are tagging along with my family to Myrtle, but we're not doing everything with 'em...staying in the same place but doing different things. It shall be fun!
Other things...I want to plan a field day with tie dying shirts, lacrosse, frisbee, soccer, hula hoops and a slipnslide. I think that would be amazing.
I have so many books I need to read, like some Salman Rushdie stuff, some Camus, some Shakespeare, ...acck! And movies to watch. All the ones that are like "hailed" by people and whatnot.
LOST ENDED. I may need another post to talk about my sadness. (Spoilers will occur. I'll warn you.)
Okay well I think that wraps up my confusement right now. I'm going for a run.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Is this me?

Things like this always fascinate me. this is my "birth tree."
Walnut Tree, the Passion
Unrelenting, strange and full of contrasts, often egoistic, aggressive, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, unlimited ambition, no flexibility, difficult and uncommon partner, not always liked but often admired, ingenious strategist, very jealous and passionate, no compromises.


Friday, April 30, 2010

College, Procrastination, and The Future.

So here I am, supposed to be working on Jeopardy for AP Bio. I have to write about...120 questions and answers. This is ridiculous. Also, this is due monday. Also, French exam is monday. And I have a bio TEST on TUESDAY because my teacher is absolutely nuts.
For one thing, AMHERST DOESN'T EVEN TAKE CREDIT so the scores don't matter...but they do because I paid close to 300 bucks to take these silly things so I should pass.
When people talk about college, it...amuses me. Firstly, most of the juniors..or supersmart top ten in their class juniors, are aiming for Ivy Leagues. Which is cool, and awesome, as Ivies are seen as the premier education you can get...but I feel the need to remind them that the Ivy League is a SPORT league. The schools are excellent, but in my opinion, somewhat overrated. No, this is not because I got rejected from Brown...30,000 people applied ( I think partly because of Emma watson) and that was expected. It's just that at Ivies, like cornell/harvard etc, you still have huge classes and professors who want to work on their research more than help you. At liberal arts colleges, there are no graduate students, and there are small classes. win, win situation, right?
My wrist is hurting, rawr.
My future.
I'm looking at the major of Law, Jurispudence, and Social Thought. It's kinda like putting law in the context of a liberal arts get a little bit of history, a little bit of psych, some sociology, some's pretty cool, and the main professor is awesome-i went to a class session with him. his name is prof. sarat. I'm also looking at the art and history of art major...Photoographhyyy<3>
It may be too early, but I'm looking at after school, too. I'm semi-drawn to Law School...maybe UChicago, or, (ironyironyirony) Yale or someplace. Now, I'm being very unrealistic here, but yknow it's nice to dream. Duke is pretty good too.
But before then, I'd like to do Teach for America. It's a program where you spend two years teaching at a low-income school with other recent college graduates, live with them, and get paid a teacher's sounds like fun/a good opportunity. i was thinking about peace corps, but figured i should fix things here first, yknow?
kayso this is just a very abstract plan. if this blog exists four years from now, I can come back and see how different/similar my plans are..but I'm absolutely sure they'll be different.
Maybe I'll be an astrophysicist?



Sunday, April 4, 2010


I am going to be a Lord Jeff this fall! Haha..Lord Jeffs...funny.
Weird how things turn out...I wasn't even expecting to get into Amherst, so I didn't look up anything about it. When I got in, I freaked, then I researched, and found out about the open curriculum/amazing dorms/rigor/prestige/location/5 college curriculum and I was convinced...also, I was rejected from Brown. Amherst=mini Brown, essentially, but better, because you can take classes for free at Mount Holyoke, Smith, UMASS, or Hampshire! Plus, financial aid isn't half bad...not as much as Kenyon, but Kenyon is in the middle of nowhere :/ and diversity there sucks :/ Amherst...40% minorities. SO yeah, I'm so excited!
I've been reading the Student Blogs for hours now...looking up the a capella videos (the zumbyes are AMAZING) and just came back from visiting (13 hour car ride..we left friday at 2 a.m) Even though I only spent like...4 hours on campus, I'm pretty sure I'll be there this free FA + open curriculum + amazing campus = ^_^

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I'm Cool.

A: you're welcome! Blogging is good for the soul...(like chicken soup sans the chicken soup part)
M^2 = the tennis twins...both of their names start with M. (I don't want to give out people's namesss) And you can never be replaced! everr!

Today: Impromptu trip to The North, cancelled due to not enough time/don't know all my choices yet
Rescheduled for next weekend, possibly flying up to Boston
Trip to Europe: probably not happening (on my own volition, though) I decided I should get a job and save up for college and then study abroad junior year...I'll have plenty of opportunities later on to go to Europe since I have so much of my family over there! At least half if not more...anyways, I'm a bit sad, but in the long run it's a better choice, non? 2,500 extra bucks will go a long way when I become a starving college student :3
Job searching: called about 20 places, two are hiring, harris teeter and ace hardware. ohyeah.
It is GORGEOUS outside!
Today: at 6p.m i'll know about Brown
okay that's all

Monday, March 29, 2010


I've been gone for...3 months? Yeah.
You know that job at vVncenzos I applied for?
I hatee that place. Well, I don't hate it, I just hate their methods of hiring.
Let me explain.
They basically go by "Oh, you're dropping of an application, we need someone, you have the job."
I thought they were supposed to go like "Oh, you're dropping of an application, we'll get back to you." You know? But apparently, if you go by when they need someone you have a better chance of getting a job...I've had an application on file for 3 months...but people just walk in and get a job. Bleh. Oh well. C'est la vie.
Speaking of french, I finally have an A in that class...geezzz I had a 90 for so long. AND I GOT AN 88 ON MY LAST MATH TEST. BOO YA, NICHOLSON.
(I suck at Precalculus...but now I have a solid C and I have NEVER been so happy to have a C in my life...ever...(I've also never had a C in my life...ever...:3)0
SO basically.
I've gotten into:
Amherst College, Bowdoin College, Kenyon College, UNC...
Thursday I hear from Brown. Top choice. 30,000 people applied. GAH.
William and Mary...I could care less :3
OK. So the rundown is...I have no idea where I'm going to college. *Anxious look*
See, before, when I was utterly convinced I was going to get rejected from Amherst and Bowdoin, I was like, "Okay. UNC. Good, smart, viable option." Then I get into Amherst. They have an open curriculum, no loans financial aid, 1600 students, 1:8 teacher student ratio, single dorm rooms, a QUIDDITCH team, for God's sake! 30% minority students...the only downside? A seemingly visible split between athletes and non-athletes...but hey. The pros outweight the cons.
Bowdoin...I love you Bowdoin, but why do you have to be all the way in MAINE? Thanks for the 28,000 grant though, I really do appreciate it. I may visit you if we can...but honestly, driving to Maine...eek...number one dining hall in the nation, and excellent school! But not at the top of my list...
Kenyon...Kenyon, Kenyon, Kenyon. Well, I love Kenyon. I really do. But I have to admit, the whole 500 person town in the middle of Ohio thing is a bit...frightening. I'm also worried about job opportunities after college...rawr. But community atmosphere, organic food, gorgeous campus. And 33 K grant.
And UNC. I loved it at first because I was honestly worried I wouldn't get in. It's a great financial backup. It's gorgeous. Great academics. Awesome school spirit (duh). But it's HUGE. Classes with teaching assistants...28,000 other students...the size of a small town...
I am currently leaning towards Amherst (THEY HAVEN'T TOLD ME HOW MUCH MONEY THEY'RE GIVING ME YET) sorry for the caps, this is how I express my frustration. Buttt. If, by some ungodly miracle, I got into Brown, then I would probably do a happy dance, run around in the street, and send in my enrollment deposit a.s.a.p, no lie. But honestly, the way things are looking, I'm not gonna have a fighting chance.
We'll see after Thursday.
And sorry for the long post, but I feel the need to rant about Track as well.
Today, we were supposed to have prax at Salem Lake. They announced it. They had it on the website. E and I get to salem lake....trail is closed. We call coach. "oh, we're at reynolda." -rage- -turn around- -tell V and M^2 about it when we see them pull up- -have M^2 follow us to reynolda- -run a fast paced 30 minutes- -crom apologizes to M^2 because they've done that about 4 times...but never once apologizes to me, thanks crom-
Whateverrrrrrrrrr I'll be done with that shiz come the end of April.
FOURTH QUARTER YES. (I have 5 As 1 B( in bio I think) and 1 C)...I have kicked senioritis' butt...
(please allow me to be pompous. It is my blog, after all.)

Monday, January 18, 2010

my. god.

most people know I am the opposite of a procrastinator. I do things days early...or I did, until this year. I'm thinking that the huge amount of procrastination I've done this year (especially 2nd quarter) is making up for all the non-procrastination I did earlier....
hahaha. senioritis has it's own wiki page!
So I applied to yet another place! Vincenzos. Maybe I'll actually GET that job? Rawwrgh
I like writing on here better, besides the fact that pretty much no one reads it,'s better.
I just finished The Bell Jar (which was good) and I also read Pride and Prejudice...I'm liking Wuthering Heights much better already (both were for school)
It's almost 11 A.M and I gotta learn about the ottoman court and the safavids.
I love those guys...