Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Frisbee Tourney

The tourney last weekend was awesome, I didn't get a point but I did block and pass and I played every game. We went 3-3, lost to montreal, williams and amherst high (they are so freaking good).
so yeah. life is good. scrimmage today. then dinner, free shirts and food for multifaith council at 7 (coexist shirts!), kuchipudi at 8-9:15, reading afterwards. in between, math, french, and some good old aristotle...nicomachean ethics, what what?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wrapping Up

So there you have it, one month (more or less) of blog posts documenting my transition from NC public school/hot weather/leaving awesome people/lack of awesome international students to Massachusetts "elite" (oh god, i hate hate hate rankings) private liberal arts college/weird weather/meeting awesome people/dorm life/adventures in the socials.

It's been pretty great so far and I hope it continues.

I can safely say I've made some friends, a few from ultimate, a few from dance, a few from randomness, a few music nerds, a few hp nerds, a few non-hp/music nerds, a mixture of everything. And I know a whole lot of sub-free-dormers which will make for fun Saturday night sing a long parties.

I might/should continue blogging everyday. It's really feels like I'm writing a letter to myself, sort of, and it's good for carthasis/break from studying sort of thing.

I'm having fun doing things I've never done before like wear cleats, eat cider doughnuts, play ultimate and learn the flick, learn kuchipudi, befriend jamaican/japanese/singaporean/ethiopian kids, see the godfather, and look at jupiter through a telescope.

I hope that I can continue doing things I've never done before.

I'm also having a good time studying what I WANT to study, (except for math but that's okay...that's my own fault).

I'm planning the rest of my time here, getting exciting about upcoming activities, and planning "trips" with my friends...we're going to Boston, New York, and Montreal in seperate weekends...(Montreal isl ike 6 hours away! SIX HOURS! Can you believe it? I can't).

Well I'm going to read Plato now.

THanks for following my blog, alyenfrance, my only follower :D

-so long- I may be back sometime soon!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

why diversity is flippin' awesome

I THINK this is my last blog, but I'm not sure and I'm too lazy to check. So here we go.

Colleges like to talk about diversity and such, and sometimes they overdo it, but I really do think it's important...take my school for example. We have so many international students and kids from 48 states, and we only have 1700ish students. It's pretty awesome. Internationals add sooo much to your college experience, because their cultures and societies are so different, etc etc, and it's really cool to know people from different states/of different religions, social classes, races etc. 40% of students here are "students of color" as it were (i never understood how to use the phrase as it

Anyways, if I were to go to say, warren wilson college, outside of asheville, which is 98% white (no problem with that, may i add, there would still be a diversity of religions and stuff) but i just wouldn't get the same experience, the same richness of extracurricular activities, and social-stuff-to-do

so anyways...yeah, diversity is awesome

Saturday, September 18, 2010

yom kippur//crepes//bird sanctuary adventures

yesterday involved lots of adventures...first me and some friends went to a tango lesson and learned how to tango :D
then we went to dinner
then me and this person who i will call nerdboy (despite the fact that he's not thhhaaat nerdy) played ping pong
then we found people from our orientation trip and went to the bird sanctuary (at night, mind you) and it was really neat. the mountains were in the background and the sky was pink and such. nerdboy was making one of my other friends think there were northeastern scorpions...
then we visited waldorf (a modular trailer dorm b/c our class is kinda big) and we lost the friend who was being accosted by nerdboy about scorpions D:
then we went back to stearns (sub free HP themed dorm) to another friend's room. she had a huuuge stash of japanese food that we feasted on and we talked about randomness
then me and my james buddy who i will call jersey-boy returned to our dorm and i went to sleep
at like 2
it was great
sorry about ftba >_< i was having a life :D

Thursday, September 16, 2010

still counts, i'm not asleep yet

today i played ultimate in the rain which was great
ultimate is so different from anything i've done before
-cleats needed
-fast sprinting
-catching, slipping
-fun fun fun
roomie is asleep
need to go to sleep right now
bye, see you later...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Things I Could Do Today But will Do Tomorrow and Firday

1. history reading (20 pages. due monday)
2. history paper concerning primary source (2 pages. ungraded. due monday)
3. Look over french poem (for monday)
4. Math hw (hasn't been posted so i'm blaming the prof who btw is like 20 something and is the typical nerd and it's soooo awesome and he's also very funny)
5. Reading for my seminar, friendship (due tuesday, but i also have to read some plato due thursday, annd those are full books...)

What I will Do instead
1. keep quiet while my roomie works
2. watch frisbee videos to get my strategy down pat (is that the expression?)
3. watch youtube videos

why this isn't procrastinating
1. i already did my french grammar today

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

So when I joined ultimate, I pictured practice would be a two hour tossing session. I was drawn in my the neon hoodies, the awesome name (SPARKLE MOTION! DONNIE DARKO REFERENCE!) the fact that frisbees basically amazing, and the costume parties. I forgot the whole team-sport-on-a-field-requring-strategy-and-fast-sprinting thing, and the whole -mix-between-basketball-soccer-and-football thing, but I'm learning. Today I learned that when someone calls for a stack that means they have the frisbee, and the defenders don't have the frisbee (I seem to be team-sport-tarded). Also there are different types of stacks (how you organize your team members to make it easier to get the frisbee). And here I was thinking the frisbee players just run around randomly trying to catch it...oh man, was I wrong.

Life is not getting calmer but it's getting more routine which is a good thing. MY desk is filled with random books for classes, mostly my seminar...Shakespeare, Aristotle, Plato, Toni MOrrison, Servantes, and Paine, anyone? I think the class may cause me some pain(e).
Ba dum tsh
Additionally my fridge is sitll near empty because I ate all my food...oops...and dinner ends at 7:30 leaving my hungry at this time of night. Fail. It might be a good thing though, less snacking=less chance of gaining that freshman 15, right? Although the ice cream machine (THEY HAVE CONES TOO) is so amazing...
and froyo...

Monday, September 13, 2010

busy bee

i'm so busy that i'm not going to feel bad about the lame-ness of my posts anymore.

i'm on the frisbee team now (sparkle motion) and it's hard because i'm so not used to team sports and sprinting all the time across the field and defending and strategies. i appreciate the simplicity of running now, but it's still really fun AND WE GET TO WEAR CLEATS i'm not sure why that excites me so much

i'll see if i can keep it up this week, our first tournament is next saturday at dartmouth

iii loooove new englllaaandd
oh and i have lots of reading for history
and lots of grammar for french
and lots of reading for friendship
and lots of math for math
so i'm going to sleep and do that stuff tomorrow

Sunday, September 12, 2010

the amherst party
hosted monthly for us all
yesterday was fun

dancing for so long
funny awkward nerd dancing
made me laugh all night

it's getting cold here
and it's not even winter
whip out the sweatshirts

Friday, September 10, 2010

i think i forgot to blog yesterday but i don't remember. i've been kinda swamped with work and i'm trying not to procrastinate yet. i have like 30 pages for friendship so i might split that up into two days so i remember it well enough for discussion tuesday, and then i have to read a poem for french and i've already written my lettre (about photographie) and then i have calculus/algebra WE LEARNED SLOPE TODAY for the first time in my life i feel smart in math......
except for that time last year when i beasted at proofs for like one day.
okay and in 30 minutes is screen on the green and i'm trying to find people to go with
annnnnnnnd i went to the mall today and it was fun
and tomorrow is dance auditions
and i just realized how crazy my life sounds and it's really not THAT crazy it's just mildly crazy
and so ahhh.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I've discovered that all the shows I like would sound ridiculous to other people if I explained them.

"Oh so there's these people who crash on this island, right, and apparently these people were there before them and tested on polar bears and stuff,and the island has a life force, oh and there's this weird magnetic energy thing that the island has that brought the plane down, and there's a russian with one eye and an iraqi and people who speak latin all the time and a guy who never dies."


"So there's this guy who's a Time Lord, right, and he has two hearts and he can regenerate, and he flies around in a space ship called time and relative dimension in space, and it's bigger on the inside, and he has companions who are usually female and usually fall in love with him even though he's an alien, and he fights these weird robotic space men things, and these weirdly cone-like shaped Dalek things, and he saves the world all the time."

-Doctor Who

Yeah I'm nuts

Monday, September 6, 2010

What I've Learned So Far

1. Introverted people are the best kind to get to know because once they open up they're really great

2. The Val isn't that awful

3. If you're roommate is on a team you will never ever see them, ever, unless they are sleeping or skyping.

4. The type of people you hung out with in high school (music nerds, etc) tend to be easier to hang out with in college, but it's good to branch players can be really cool!

5. Stargazing is great.

6. People assume NC and SC are the same. This is very very wrong and needs to be explained.

7. App-ah-latch-un? App-ah-lay-chun? Which is correct? Who knows?

8. Snacks in your dorm room are essential.

9. Communal bathrooms........

10. Water pong is very unexciting
wake up in the morning feeling like a zombie
grab my key i'm out the door, breakfast waiting for me
before i leave, brush my teeth in the bathroom (it's wack)
cos when I leave for frisbee, i ain't coming back


excuse the random tik tok ness
i learned how to throw a frisbee! there's this guy who is really really really really good at throwing frisbees, like he knows all these weird throws and they all go perfectly straight and he can throw really far. it's crazy.

i woke up this morning and went for a run on the bike trail. i figured out after a while that it was actually a xc trail so that was cool. it was a short loop because i didn't want to get lost.

then i went to val and had weird raisin french toast. i don't mind raisins personally, but it was just kinda odd.

i'm not used to eating three meals a day because at home i have breakfast then lunch/dinner at like 4 but here dinner doesn't start until 4:30 and lunch ends at 2 sooo yeah.

school starts tomorrow and i'm slightly terrified.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Series of Haikus Summarizing My First Week of College

Do you want pizza?
Free food everywhere you look.
Hope you exercise!

So people will come
To your big event you should
Offer free t-shirts

Which club will you join?
Newspaper, crew, dance or film
Is there enough time?

Sorry what's your name?
I've forgotten it again
I'm really sorry.

Can't be sarcastic
When people can't tell you are
Makes things awkward fast.

Don't get schwasted here
Vomit is not fun to clean
Strive for point oh five

Roommates can be cool
Harder when they play soccer
Wake up early, yikes!

Do you need a map?
Webster is the other way...
Obvious first years.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Well crap, looks like I've missed a day by 17 minutes as of now. That's unfortunate, I was doing so well.
Today I watched the Godfather (I'll make him an offer he a-can't refuse!) and hung out with nerdpeople and such.
It's really cold here. It's actually only 50 something degrees but I was shivering because I was tired. I'm in the common room because my roomie is sleeping and I don't wanna bother her. It's really nice here.
School starts Tuesday. Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap.
People keep walking around and I feel slightly awkward here.
Stream of conciousness ftw?
It's interesting how the people in Stearns (sub-free dorm) are so different from James-ies...most are internationals or Asian and I'm not sure why that is.
Food here is good, too good, I need to go run! Tomorrow!
Okay that's it.

Friday, September 3, 2010


My room is stocked with Fig Newtons, oreos, and Chewy bars. This means I'll have to go run sometime, which will not be an easy feat here. The hills are ridiculously steep. I just feel like if I went out and ran I'd end up stopping halfway and climbing back to my dorm (the freshie dorms surrounded the quad->the highest point on campus).

I haven't had that much internet time which is good. The past few weeks before orientation I was spending way too much time online watching Doctor Who. Now I havent even watched the next Torchwood episode. I'm sure I'll find time for that during breaks.

Yesterday night me and a bunch of FOOT (first year outdoor orientatino trip or something) people hung out all night and did some of the fun freshman-y things around here. We also mingled around the socials (where all the parties happen) watching drunk people. Meeting drunk people is really fun because they're so much more outgoing and they're just like "oh i promise i'm not usually like this!" It's kinda great to observe from a distance.

I'm not going to that much free time next week because classes start. I've looked at my history syllabus and for one class we have almost weekly papers and so much to read. It's going to be near impossible, so if I regress to a few haikus I hope I'll be forgiven by the BEDOTM (blog every day of the month) gods.

On that note, I should go pick up my laundry soon.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I'm back from my FOOT trip. I returned to my dorm lugging my duffel and backpack, covered in sweat (yum) and dirt. It was so much fun though. We played never have i ever which i lost by so many points...not that I care about that. I met lots of people and we have a little foot group going on now with people from the trip. We went canoeing yesterday which was really nice. We took a dip in the Connecticut River and slept under the stars, literally.
Unfortunately the Boston Trip is cancelled (thanks Hurricane Earl. Thanks.) even though we'll probably only get rain, there may be a chance of flooding or something...I guess.
I'm in a good mood right now. I just played Ultimate, even though I suck, and it was good.
I need to go get a free t-shirt. Free food and free shirts, that's how you get people to go to your events.
So long.