Tuesday, January 4, 2011

looking back

The following will be a stream-of-consciousness description of 2010. Warning: may not make a lick of sense. I felt like saying "lick", embracing the southernness while I still can, y'know?

Graduating, beach trip, first "real" phone, first "real" phone accident, senior sleepover, sleepovers with certain german kids and certain cool kids, multiple all nighters (none for school reasons), disappointments, surprises, good food, cafeteria food, first camping trip, first time to NH and VT, first time playing in an ultimate frisbee tournament, 2nd and 3rd time playing in an ultimate frisbee tournament, first time joining a humanitarian organization, becoming a film snob, french movies, hitchcock, new england snow, new england dougnuts, new england cider, new england beauty, starting a quidditch team, meeting new people, forgetting old ones, reconnections, awkwardness, pretentious people, dealing with pretentious people, dealing with procrastinators, being "motherly" (what a crazy kid), staying up too late, dancing dancing dancing, first dance show, first time liking grilled cheese, appreciating home, appreciating warmth, building my cold tolerance (10 degrees? nbd.), loving and hating, growing up, staying the same.

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