Monday, March 21, 2011

To Georgia and Back: 2000 miles of highway, 40 hours of driving, 1 Week of Fun

The following will be an extremely short summary of my trip to St. Simon's Island for an ultimate tournament. I aim to finish this post in 20 minutes so I can go do errands.

Going Down:

We left Amherst around 2:30 on Friday afternoon (it was the 11th!) and headed down 95 with relatively few hiccups except for one minor one in the Bronx. We had no near-death experiences but didn't get much of our scavenger hunt down (poo!) We arrived in D.C around 10 and went to sleep-this was day one of sleeping on the floor. Yay!
The next day we left bright and early around 8 and spent the day driving down, with one long stop at Cracker Barrel in NC, one shorter stop at South of the Border (what a strange place), and a few rest stops. We got down to Georgia around 7, snacked, showered and slept. The weather was fantasticalness. That's now a word.

While There:

The first few days were spent sunbathing, tossing on the beach, and socializing. Then we were down to business-Tuesday to Thursday were three days of intense Ultimate games.
Tuesday went kinda badly. We won our first game but lost our next two, and during the second one I twisted my knee funkily and had trouble walking for the rest of the day. The next day was better-my knee healed (yay!) and we won all four games that we played. My parents visited and brought Nutella and other foods, to the joy of the team. The last game was super long but we still beat Goucher (what what :D) despite undergoing a few injuries.

Day three of the tournament was kinda intense. We won our first two games. We demolished the first team, even playing a freshman point to win the game. We had a tight game with Umass. Then we played Wheaton, who beat us like 12-6 I think. It was sad...but we won the last point, and we played our best, so we were satisfied.
Thursday, day three, was St. Patty's day which meant revelry and dancing and jigs and such. Also, good fried food at a restaurant (which took forever to get there, but whatever).
We left early Friday morning, drove for about 10 hours (I felt bad only contributing one hour of driving time...but I was dead tired) and then stayed over in Philly. After 6 more hours of driving on Saturday, we were back!

All in all, it was a good time. I had good ice cream, enjoyed 70 degree weather, got some awesome point block Ds, etc. Can't wait until next year.
Also, this makes me realize I have no problem with 20 hour roadtrips. Maybe I'll go cross-country next summer?

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