Went back to Hangzhou today. The bus ride back was...interesting. We got one of those awesome busses where everyone sits on the second level, so that was cool. Unfortunately, the old lady behind me was having some serious carsickness, so that kinda but a damper on the whole 270 degree view of the highway and Chinese countryside thing.
Oh well, so it goes.
I'm back in Hangzhou, chilling in "Paris Baguette", one of the many pseudo-French bakeries which hardly have any sweet pastries...but the "pizzas" and "doughnuts" are pretty tasty. The baguettes are legitimate, especially the garlic ones. The baristas (I guess?) where black and white striped shirts and berets. Cute.
I have about an hour or two before I teach.
I'm just observing the couples who are sitting nearby...there's at least 3. Is Hangzhou a city of love or something? Everywhere I turn, there are couples-you can tell because a lot of them like to match. Chinese girls have some sweet style. I want their clothes, but
1. I don't know how Chinese sizes work but I'm pretty sure I'd have to have XL everything
2. I don't know where to get these clothes for cheap.
But I will find out!
Learned more characters yesterday. :]
Also, I saw a WHOLE GROUP OF LAO WAI today in Hangzhou. It must've been a field trip for international school kids or something. By that, I mean kids who go to an international school in Shanghai
I will start counting how many times I go to McD's. It's the best place for reliable food, where I don't have to worry about ordering the wrong thing...and McFlurries are really goooood.
McDonald's Runs:
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