Being back, seeing the freshmen's brand new faces, seeing the green quad and new Val and beautiful New England night skies is absolutely amazing. Everything feels familiar now (despite the drastic changes to our dining hall). I no longer wear my lanyard on my neck, I don't need to write down my mail combination, and I know where my classes will be this semester. With a year of college under my belt (1 year! 1/4 of my time here is over! What!) I feel much more prepared to take on this year.
My new dorm will take getting used to, it's the Spanish and French house and there are some TAs from both countries. I have to get over my language fear of messing up and just talk, but after being in frikkin' China for 2 months my French skills have diminished drastically (although everytime I couldn't think of a Chinese word, the French word would pop in my head. Language works in funny ways).
I got a letter from myself today from last year's FOOT (First-year Outdoor Orientation Trip) and I was kinda disappointed by it's boring qualities. It was written on my leg in a campsite in bad handwriting, and it just said "I hope you become friends with the other FOOties...I hope you enjoyed all your classes...Be nerdy and don't spend all your money...I hope you aren't making stupid decisions."
I thought that was funny, because I did make stupid decisions. I made lots of them. Note, nothing ridiculously unintelligent, just the regular freshman awkward decision making. If I hadn't made these awkward, bad, stupid decisions, I would have learned nothing from this past year. Sometimes you have to mess up to learn more about yourself and who you are...who you want to be.
So basically this is my sappy, nostalgic (already, what?) take on the beginning of sophomore year. What what what
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