Saturday, July 18, 2009


I woke up at 6-ish A.M to go run.
Despite sleeping at around 3 I was glad to be out in the cool...COOL georgia air.
COOL! Ah. What sweet relief.
It was a good run. Yes, my neighborhood is full of awful, awful hills. Yes, I had to look behind a few times because of a bad experience with a dog in my neighborhood when I went running a few years ago...but it was pretty sweet to see the sunrise in front of me, and just come back home and lay in the driveway for a few moments.
I then stretched, showered, watched an episode of Lost, ate cereal, and went back to bed.
Then I woke up, did yardwork, went on facebook, and read.
Then I went to the library and got:
They Boyfriend List and Fly on the Wall by E. Lockhart
Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin
and Devilish by Maureen Johnson :]
The Boyfriend List is humorous and intersting so far. I'm almost done...oops.
I then got a cookie, came home, and did some car shopping.
Things are looking good; knock on wood.
Good night!

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