Wednesday, February 23, 2011

don't wake me i plan on sleeping in.

I really like this blog. Since I could never keep a journal when I was younger, this replaces that disappointment. I now have an online journal where I can say whatever I want (unless it's illegal or something). And that's a good thing.
I haven't been able to focus lately. The book we're eading now isn't even that bad and I can't focus on it for more than a few minutes.

I messed up rolling film again. I had 2 perfect rolls, and now I'm messing it up again. RAWR.

After processing film I feel like I just always smell like developer. Good and bad.

Later tonight I will have my first taste of Boba tea.

I don't know if I want/can go home for spring break or not. Choices choices choices choices choices.

-international party
-read blackjacobinsandamercy
-movie movie
-study for geo
-take more shots

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