Thursday, September 2, 2010


I'm back from my FOOT trip. I returned to my dorm lugging my duffel and backpack, covered in sweat (yum) and dirt. It was so much fun though. We played never have i ever which i lost by so many points...not that I care about that. I met lots of people and we have a little foot group going on now with people from the trip. We went canoeing yesterday which was really nice. We took a dip in the Connecticut River and slept under the stars, literally.
Unfortunately the Boston Trip is cancelled (thanks Hurricane Earl. Thanks.) even though we'll probably only get rain, there may be a chance of flooding or something...I guess.
I'm in a good mood right now. I just played Ultimate, even though I suck, and it was good.
I need to go get a free t-shirt. Free food and free shirts, that's how you get people to go to your events.
So long.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YAYYY! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :) And you're now back to the internets where I can stalk you properly! I have things to tell you so hopetotalksoon :)