Saturday, September 18, 2010

yom kippur//crepes//bird sanctuary adventures

yesterday involved lots of adventures...first me and some friends went to a tango lesson and learned how to tango :D
then we went to dinner
then me and this person who i will call nerdboy (despite the fact that he's not thhhaaat nerdy) played ping pong
then we found people from our orientation trip and went to the bird sanctuary (at night, mind you) and it was really neat. the mountains were in the background and the sky was pink and such. nerdboy was making one of my other friends think there were northeastern scorpions...
then we visited waldorf (a modular trailer dorm b/c our class is kinda big) and we lost the friend who was being accosted by nerdboy about scorpions D:
then we went back to stearns (sub free HP themed dorm) to another friend's room. she had a huuuge stash of japanese food that we feasted on and we talked about randomness
then me and my james buddy who i will call jersey-boy returned to our dorm and i went to sleep
at like 2
it was great
sorry about ftba >_< i was having a life :D

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your life just sounds so much more awesome.
You are forgiven for the ftba. ALMOST OVER anyway! :D