Friday, September 3, 2010


My room is stocked with Fig Newtons, oreos, and Chewy bars. This means I'll have to go run sometime, which will not be an easy feat here. The hills are ridiculously steep. I just feel like if I went out and ran I'd end up stopping halfway and climbing back to my dorm (the freshie dorms surrounded the quad->the highest point on campus).

I haven't had that much internet time which is good. The past few weeks before orientation I was spending way too much time online watching Doctor Who. Now I havent even watched the next Torchwood episode. I'm sure I'll find time for that during breaks.

Yesterday night me and a bunch of FOOT (first year outdoor orientatino trip or something) people hung out all night and did some of the fun freshman-y things around here. We also mingled around the socials (where all the parties happen) watching drunk people. Meeting drunk people is really fun because they're so much more outgoing and they're just like "oh i promise i'm not usually like this!" It's kinda great to observe from a distance.

I'm not going to that much free time next week because classes start. I've looked at my history syllabus and for one class we have almost weekly papers and so much to read. It's going to be near impossible, so if I regress to a few haikus I hope I'll be forgiven by the BEDOTM (blog every day of the month) gods.

On that note, I should go pick up my laundry soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, is good. Me too. SO tired. Have good weekend :D