Friday, August 27, 2010

Bethel, Pennsylvania: Famished Amish

I'm en route to Massachusetts at the moment (for COLLEGECOLLEGECOLLEGE) and thus excited. We had to stop to get some ZZZZZZs here, and the only available room with enough beds was...a smoking room. It's kinda overpowering but I'll get used to it...I just hope my clothes don't smell of it. Ew.
Today we went to ANTIETAM and it was SO AWESOME because it smelled of HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY
and I'm a history nerd so I was like AHHHH
except it's not really a "good" time in history. Bloodiest battle of the civil war and all...yeah...but so cool because I've never been to a battlefield before!
It was...well, it was a field. It had monuments in it. And a cool visitor's center.
SO yeah. That was cool.
Today also consisted of:
reading mockingjay
being bored by the car ride
taking pictures
taking pictures of myself because i was bored
going to a sketchy diner, having yummy food, and it had a TOWEL dispenser. WHAT THE HECK.
So yeah

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