Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm turning into a bonafide nerd, here

Sally Sparrow: Aren't you on duty, *Detective Inspector Shipton*?
Billy Shipton: Nope. Knocked off before we came down here. Told them I had a family crisis.
Sally Sparrow: Why?
Billy Shipton: Because life is short and you are hot. Drink?

So I'm watching "Blink" (Season 3 Doctor Who) and it's amazing so far but I interrupted to get today's blog post out for you anxious readers because there's so many of you! :D
hahahahah, I'm J.K rowlinng you (get it)?
(I just went downstairs to check on my slice of pizza in the toaster oven only to discover the toast oven was off. Woe is me. Also my brother tends to use way too much of his suave smells-like-manly-man-sweat body wash at NIGHT which leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. Anyways.)
So today I also watched the Human Nature/Family of Blood episodes and they were fantastic! I tihnk the history themed episodes are really great. Like the girl in the fireplace, and the shakespeare one. Also, to see John Smith was kinda heartbreaking. And to see John/The Doctor LOVE SOMEBODY was really weird
like realllyyy weird
In other news, I'm pretty much packed for college. I've got one big suitcase with all my clothes, one small suitcase for carry-on luggage on holidays that has random stuff in it, a trunk (like harry potter!) filled with shoes, sheets, towels, and books (goblet of fire, will grayson, will grayson, looking for alaska, and extremely loud and incredibly close. so had to limit myself to four. I kinda wanted to bring golden compass, but i'll reserve that for re-reading once I'm home for a month during January break.
As of today, all my friends are at college already, making friends and having fun and going to parties and what-not, and I'm in my room watching Doctor Who (but that's okay because I'll do all that college stuff in one week, 2 hours and 55 minutes (as of 9:05 P.M) or something close to that.
The open curriculum is really amazing and scary. I'm find myself looking at math classes (MATH CLASSES? REALLY?) considering taking them but then remember that i ABHOR math even though my last teacher made me forget that sometimes (just sometimes). I have heard that calculus is easier than pre-calc, but this is coming from kids who are /good/ at math. Sooo we'll see.
I really want to take a French class (I kinda have to), an art class (pre-req to photography), and a history class. My freshman seminar is Friendship. It's about (take a wild guess,) friendship, and we read Greek stuff and English lit and all that. It's an English class. I'm semi-excited
I also have a chapter or so of my summer reading left, and I'm reading Leviathan (Scott Wetserfield). MOCKINGJAY COMES OUT SOON.
So I'm gonna go back to watching Doctor Who, I tend to pause it for too long and then I'm like "oh crap i'm watching doctor who". So yeah, back to that.

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