Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mockingjay and Banking

Today I went to the bank, deposited my babysitting money/check stuff, and got my copy of Mockingjay. I'm not realy in a reading-marathon-mood so I took a break. I'm also gonna try to fit in a run somewhere between the reading and watching and blogging. Oh my life is SO busy.
I leave soon, so I've stacked up a pile of hangers from my closets and various other knick-knacks from my room...a wooden turtle, a porcelain China cat from Chicago, a paperweight snowglobe type thing...of Chicago. I don't have some strange love for Chicago, haha.
I'm slightly worried about having too much "stuff". I brought like 2 weeks of clothes, a trunk full of shoes, books, hangers, towels and sheets, a duffel bag full of school supplies and knick-knacks (i'll use the duffel bag for camping next week) and then one big suitcase and one teeny suitcase.
that is all

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