Thursday, August 19, 2010

Twilight? Harry Potter?

So I seem to be entering what seems to be a World War III battlefield. Anyways, my viewpoint on this debate is...either, or. I don't think it matters if people like both Twilight and Harry Potter. I've read all four Twilight books *insert groan* and even had a Twilight themed party in the midst of the Twi-mania. Then, it kinda spiraled out of control with the rabid tweensters and the Twi-moms and the cardboard cut-outs and it got mildly disturbing/obsessive. I did enjoy the books as a guilty pleasure, and yes, the writing was kinda bad, (she uses couldn't've...) Bella serves as a horrible example for young girls (okay, so you seriously can't function because your boyfriend leaves for a few months? You fall into deep depression? Unrealistic to say the least), and the whole imprinting thing was more than a little bit creepy. But I enjoyed reading them, all the while waiting for them to get better, and I thought Breaking Dawn was HILARIOUS (which was not the intended effect, I'm sure).
But now it seems like you can only like HP or Twilight (and I'm a huge HP fan, I've spent this summer re-reading the books and even read Sorcerer's Stone in French thanks to my friend, and I went to WWOHP, and I've read the books since I was 9, sneaking around my mom who forbade them.) I think it's kinad ridiculous to compare the two series at all, one is a romance...fantasy-ish thing, the other is an epic that stands alongside The Chronicles of Narnia and maybe even LOTR one day (one day...)
But in the long run, Cedric Diggory > Edward Cullen, always, Robert Pattinson.
And Lupin > Jacob.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Also, you're welcome ;)
Twilight is a great trashy romance novel if you don't overanalyze it. But, not something I could read again. I think the impact of Harry Potter is much greater than that of Twilight, though it seems that some people were spurned into really reading by Twilight. I like the idea that love conquers everything, but Twilight is... ridiculous.